
john pullen


john pullen

12 May

Construction has begun!

The leadership of Manna House is pleased to share this update with our supporters and friends. In April 2020, after extensive delays due in part to the permitting process, the construction phase of the Manna House Capital Project has begun.


5 May

Manna House’s Covid-19 Operational Response

Updated: May 5, 2020   In the wake of the recently declared State of Emergency, Manna House will remain open in service to low-income households, children, seniors, and homeless families in Baltimore city. Our primary focus will be to deliver bagged emergency food meals within the community weekdays 8 am-10 am Monday through Fridays.


13 Jan

Welcome Antonio!

Please join the Manna House board and staff in welcoming our new Executive Director, Antonio (Tony) Coffield.   Antonio is a dedicated professional with more than two decades of experience in non-profit management, small business, and consulting, matched with an abundance of knowledge and skills. Antonio Coffield has extensive experience in organizational development, strategic planning, […]


17 Oct

Manna House is throwing a party!

Our annual Bull Roast is planned for November 2, and everyone is invited!   As always, this year’s Bull Roast will feature music by Off the Ladder, catering by Professional Touch, a silent auction and more.