Our annual Bull Roast is planned for November 2, and everyone is invited! As always, this year’s Bull Roast will feature music by Off the Ladder, catering by Professional Touch, a silent auction and more.
READ MOREAlong with our website, we also updated our logo and overall brand. WHY THIS CHANGE? Manna House has been serving the community for more than 50 years and it was time for a refresh. Our old website was out of date and it was difficult to make changes. This site is easier to navigate, […]
READ MOREManna House is very excited to have launched a Capital Campaign that we fondly call “the Kitchen Campaign.” But it’s way more than that. This campaign will expand capacity and create efficiency in serving our clients by renovating our existing facilities. The project includes an addition to the existing structure for a kitchen, cold […]
READ MOREHeartiest Congratulations to all who have made possible the accomplishments of Manna House during the last 5o years! This has been a noteworthy record of service to the poorest among us and has been made possible by the efforts and dedication of a host of people and organizations over the years, including volunteers, individual donors, […]
READ MOREManna House offers assistance and support to the homeless, poor and needy of Baltimore with services contributing toward their independence and stability.
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