
Manna House Celebrates 50 Years

Heartiest Congratulations to all who have made possible the accomplishments of Manna House during the last 5o years!

This has been a noteworthy record of service to the poorest among us and has been made possible by the efforts and dedication of a host of people and organizations over the years, including volunteers, individual donors, foundations, businesses, synagogues, universities, schools, churches, various groups, the Mayor’s Office of Homeless Services, HUD, Board members and staff. This large body of people has had a consistent record of responding to the growing needs of the poor and homeless for the last half a century. This response was made possible because all involved did not just feel regretful about the plight of the poor and homeless, but decided to do what they could to help. The need is not new but the cause renews itself every morning that a man, woman or child is homeless or hungry. As we start the next 50 years, it is my hope that all of us will continue to hear the call of the poor and respond to it with the sense of urgency we would feel if our own were homeless.

The cause of the poor is a good cause to champion – our humanity calls us to it, our God calls us to it and it is simply the right thing to do.

Best regards and blessings to all.

Saleem Gauhar
Executive Director


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